Over the years, materials on our Earth have been broken down and eroded away by things such as wind, water, and ice.  The products of the erosion are called sediments.  As layers of sediments are piled on top of eachother, they are pressed together forming Sedimentary Rock. There are two classifications for Sedimentary Rock, Clastic and Chemical.


Clastic Sedimentary Rocks are formed when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces and deposited somewhere else.  Clastic Sedimentary Rocks can be as small as a grain of sand, or as large as you are! A common example of a Clastic Sedimentary Rock is Gypsum 


Chemical Sedimentary Rock is formed when Sedimentary Rock goes through a chemical reaction.  This kind of rock has loose grains and a rough texture.  Limestone is a common Chemical Sedimentary Rock.



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